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Guide to Migrate WS 2008 R2 FSMO roles to WS2019-P1

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#–DATE: 2019-09-14

#–Migrate WS2008 R2 FSMO roles AD to conversion GUIDE WS2019 (ADDS)

#–Catalogues: Vmware-MCSA2019 Lab Sets



Image 118

–Status DC 2008R2 (VMSRV2K8-DC)

–Want to convert roles from ADDS 2008 to Windows Server 2019


Prepare installation Information

  Servername VMSRV2K19-DC01: AD authentication, DNS, DHCP

  VMWIN10-01: Test Logon AD

– Gateway

–Doman Name: NVP. Lab


Create the VM and install OS respectively (see the Link Settings Tutorial)

–Install Vmware Tools

–Updated system time and date

–Naming Server

–IP configuration 

–Updated full Windows Update KB path update


Join domain to the current DC

Set the roles AD Domain Services

–ADD roles-ADDS

–Test roles on former DC 2008R2: netdom query FSMO

Upgrade Domain Controller (Promote DC)

–NetBIOSname: NVP

–Domain Name: NVP. Lab

–Reset the ADD WS2019

Convert 5 Roles FSMO (Flexible Single Masters of Operations) roles

–PDC, RID, Infracstructure

–Schema, domain naming

–Check back

—netdom query fsmo

–Thank you for watching the clip.

DHCP Configuration

–Pools: Server LAN 10: GW: DNS:

–Pools: Client LAN 11: GW: DNS:


Check AD authentication, NSLookup

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I wish you success

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