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Course Description CEH

The Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) credential is the most trusted ethical hacking certification and accomplishment recommended by employers globally. It is the most desired information security certification and represents one of the fastest-growing cyber credentials required by critical infrastructure and essential service providers. Since the introduction of CEH in 2003, it is recognized as a standard within the information security community. CEH v11 continues to introduce the latest hacking techniques and the most advanced hacking tools and exploits used by hackers and information security professionals today. The Five Phases of Ethical Hacking and the original core mission of CEH remain valid and relevant today: “To beat a hacker, you need to think like a hacker.

Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Version 11

CEH provides an in-depth understanding of ethical hacking phases, various attack vectors, and preventative countermeasures. It will teach you how hackers think and act maliciously so that you will be better positioned to set up your security infrastructure and defend future attacks. Understanding system weaknesses and vulnerabilities help organizations strengthen their system security controls to minimize the risk of an incident.CEH was built to incorporate a hands-on environment and systematic process across every ethical hacking domain and methodology, giving you the opportunity to work towards proving the required knowledge and skills needed to perform the job of an ethical hacker. You will be exposed to an entirely different posture towards the responsibilities and measures required to be secure.

CEH v11 Course Content

The courseware of CEH v11 Certification Training is designed to provide you a strong and deep understanding of various verticals of security, starting with preparing a base and advancing to the latest scenarios. Provided is the list of modules with a brief description of what it talks about.

Module 01: Introduction to Ethical Hacking: This module introduces you to the basic concepts of hacking, what is hacking, who are hackers, their intent, and other related terminologies.

The next modules dive deeper into the various phases of hacking, which would help you in thinking with the mindset of a hacker.

Module 02: Footprinting and Reconnaissance: Gathering information from various sources using footprinting tools and how to defend against the same.

Module 03: Scanning Networks: Different techniques to identify and scan the network, host, and port discovery by utilizing various scanning tools.

Module 04: Enumeration: Finding detailed information about the hosts and ports discovered during scanning. This module now includes sub-domains like NFS enumeration and related tools, DNS cache snooping, and DNSSEC Zone walking, along with the countermeasures.

Module 05: Vulnerability Analysis: It introduces the concepts of vulnerability assessment, its types, along with a hands-on experience of tools that are currently used in the industry.

Module 06: System Hacking: It focuses on the “how” part. How to gain access of the system, how to escalate privileges, how to maintain access, and how to clear your tracks.

The next modules help to develop a deeper understanding of various defense and attack methodologies and concepts that aid the process of hacking.

Module 07: Malware Threats: Malware threat terminologies, viruses, worms, trojans, their analysis, and countermeasures to prevent data loss. The introduction and analysis of malware like, Emotet and fileless that are gaining popularity have been updated under this section. APT concepts have also been added.

Module 08: Sniffing: Packet sniffing techniques, associated tools, and related defensive techniques.

Module 09: Social Engineering: Since humans are the most significant vulnerability for any organization, it becomes essential to understand how attackers use them for their purpose for carrying out attacks like identity theft, impersonation, insider threat, and how to defend against such social engineering attacks.

Module 10: Denial-of-Service: As DoS and DDoS are some of the most common purposes of attackers, this module talks about these attacks, use cases, and the related attack and defense tools.

Module 11: Session Hijacking: To provide a deeper understanding of the technique, its purpose, tools used along with the countermeasures.

Module 12: Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots: Understand the terminologies and working of these inline defenses and techniques to learn how to evade these while performing an attack.

Module 13: Hacking Web Servers: Web servers based attacks, methodologies, tools used, and defense

Module 14: Hacking Web Applications: Web application-based attacks, techniques, and mitigation.

Module 15: SQL Injection: An in-depth understanding of the top OWASP top 10 web app vulnerability, it’s working and the mitigation.

Module 16: Hacking Wireless Networks: Wireless encryption, wireless hacking, and Bluetooth hacking-related concepts

Module 17: Hacking Mobile Platforms: Management of mobile devices, mobile platform attack vectors, and vulnerabilities related to Android and iOS systems

Module 18: IoT Hacking: Recognizing the vulnerabilities in IoT and ensuring the safety of IoT devices. Operational Technology (OT) essentials, introduction to ICS, SCADA, and PLC, threats, attack methodologies, and attack prevention. The concept of OT is a new addition.

Module 19: Cloud Computing: Cloud computing, threats, and security. Additionally, the essentials of container technology and serverless computing have been added.

Module 20: Cryptography: Encryption algorithms, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), cryptographic attacks, and cryptanalysis.


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