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Danh sách Command CLI Dell Switch connectrix Broadcom

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aaaconfig                  Configure RADIUS for AAA services
ag                         Configure the Access Gateway feature
agautomapbalance           Configure the Access Gateway automapbalance feature
agshow                     Displays the Access Gateway information registered
                           with the fabric
aliadd                     Add a member to a zone alias
alicreate                  Create a zone alias
alidelete                  Delete a zone alias
aliremove                  Remove a member from a zone alias
alishow                    Print zone alias information
appserver                  Display Information Stored/Managed by Application
aptpolicy                  Get and set Advanced Performance Tuning policy
auditcfg                   Modifies and displays audit log filter
auditdump                  Display audit log
authutil                   Get and set authentication configuration
bannerset                  Set security banner
bannershow                 Display security banner
bcastshow                  Display broadcast routing information
bootluncfg                  Configure boot LUN for an HBA
cfgactvshow                Display Effective zone configuration information
cfgadd                     Add a member to a configuration
cfgclear                   Clear all zone configurations
cfgcreate                  Create a zone configuration
cfgdelete                  Delete a zone configuration
cfgdisable                 Disable a zone configuration
cfgenable                  Enable a zone configuration
cfgremove                  Remove a member from a configuration
cfgsave                    Save zone configurations in flash
cfgshow                    Print zone configuration information
cfgsize                    Print size details of zone database
cfgtransabort              Abort zone configuration transaction
cfgtransshow               Print zone configurations in transaction buffer
chassisbeacon              Set chassis beacon on or off
chassiscfgperrthreshold    Configure parity error threshold
chassisdisable             Disable all ports in chassis
chassisdistribute          Distributes data to physical chassis in a fabric
chassisenable              Enable all ports in chassis
chassisname                Display or set the chassis' Name
chassisshow                Display all Field Replaceable Units (FRU)
chassisupgrade             Upgrade chassis from current generation to the next
classconfig                Display RBAC class permissions
clihistory                 Displays a log of most recently executed CLI
configdefault              Reset config to factory default
configdownload             Load switch config from a server
configlist                 List the stored config files
configremove               Remove a stored config file
configshow                 Print switch config parameters
configupload               Save switch config to a server
configure                  Set logical switch config parameters
configurechassis           Set chassis config parameters
creditrecovmode            Configure backend credit loss recovery
datatypeshow               Display available diagnostic data types.
date                       Print/set the system date and time
defzone                    Activates or deactivates a default zone
devicelogin                Manage port groups
diagclearerror             Clears diagnostics failure status.
diagdisablepost            Disable diagnostic POST.
diagenablepost             Enable diagnostic POST.
diaghelp                   Display diagnostic command descriptions.
diagpost                   Displays the contents of port registers and
diagshow                   Display diagnostic status.
diagstatus                 Display currently running diagnostic tests.
distribute                 Distributes data to switches in a fabric.
dlsreset                   Configure dynamic load sharing (DLS) option
dlsset                     Configure dynamic load sharing (DLS) option
dlsshow                    Display the state of the dynamic load sharing
dnsconfig                  Configure DNS service
enclosureshow              Display the switch enclosure attributes
errclear                   Clear error log
errdelimiterset            Sets the error log start and end delimiter for
                           messages sent to the console and syslog
errdump                    Print error log (no page breaks)
errfilterset               Sets a filter for an error log destination
errmoduleshow              Displays all the defined modules in the system
errshow                    Print error log
esrsconfig                 Register/Add FOS device with the ESRS server
ethif                      Display the usage of ethif command
extncfg                    Configure blade/switch extension product features
extnperfmon                Clears out all Extension Performance Monitor log
                           files on system
fabretryshow               Display retry count of various fabric commands
fabretrystats              Display retry count of  fabric SW_ILS commands
fabriclog                  Displays or manipulates the fabric log
fabricname                 Configure fabric name
fabricnotification         FabricNotification statistics
fabricprincipal            Configure Principal Switch Selection mode
fabricshow                 Print fabric membership info
fabstatsshow               Displays the fabric statistics information
factorycfg                 Enable factory shell
factoryreset               Reset all switch configurations
fandisable                 Disables a fan unit.
fanenable                  Enables a fan unit.
fanshow                    Print fan status
fapwwn                     Configure the Virtual PWWN for port
fastboot                   Reboot this switch and bypass POST
fciphelp                   Print FCIP help info
fcipledtest                Cycle user port LEDs.
fcippathtest               Data Path Test of the FCIP complex.
fclag                      Add member ports to the specified fclag port
fcoe                       Clears the counters for all the ports
fcping                     Sends a FC ELS ECHO request to a port
fcplogclear                Clear the FCP log
fcplogdisable              Disable logging of FCP events
fcplogenable               Enable logging of FCP events
fcplogshow                 Display FCP probing log information
fcpprobeshow               Display FCP probing information
fcprlsprobe                Manage RLS probing
fcrbcastconfig             Configure interfabric broadcast frame forwarding
fcrconfigure               Sets FC Router configuration parameters.
fcredgeshow                Displays FIDs assigned to defined EX_Port
fcrfabricshow              Displays FC Routers on a backbone fabric.
fcriclpathbwmonitor        Manage FC Router ISL bandwidth configuration
fcrlsan                    Configure LSAN policies
fcrlsancount               Display maximum LSAN zone limit.
fcrlsanmatrix              Manage LSAN fabric matrix configuration.
fcrphydevshow              Displays FC Router physical device information.
fcrproxyconfig             Displays or configures proxy devices presented by
                           an FC Router.
fcrproxydevshow            Displays FC Router proxy device information.
fcrresourceshow            Displays FC Router physical resource usage.
fcrrouterportcost          Modify FC Router port cost configuration.
fcrrouteshow               Displays FC Router route information.
fcrxlateconfig             Displays or persistently configures a translate
                           (xlate) domain's domain ID for both
                           EX_Port-attached fabric and backbone fabric.
fddcfg                     fddcfg manages the fabric data distribution
                           configuration parameters.
fdmicacheshow              Display abbreviated remote FDMI device information
                           according to remote domain ID
fdmishow                   Display detailed FDMI device information
femdump                    Retrieve support data from switch to host
ficoncfg                   Manage FICON configuration
ficonclear                 Clears contents of the specified FICON management
ficoncupset                Sets FICON-CUP parameters for a switch
ficoncupshow               Displays FICON-CUP parameters for a switch
ficonhelp                  Displays FICON commands
ficonshow                  Displays contents of the specified FICON management
firmwareactivate           Activate firmware on secondary partition
firmwarecheck              Verify firmware signature
firmwarecleaninstall       Perform from scratch firmware install
firmwarecommit             Commit firmware to stable storage
firmwaredownload           Download firmware into switch
firmwaredownloadstatus     Display the progress and status of firmwareDownload
firmwarerestore            Restore the old firmware in the switch
firmwareshow               Display firmware versions in the switch
firmwaresync               Perform firmware synchronization
flow                       Configure Flow Vision services
fosconfig                  Enable/disable FabOS services
fosdbg_appsrvr             N/A
fosdbg_ess                 N/A
fosdbg_ficon               N/A
fosdbg_ftc                 N/A
fosdbg_ns                  N/A
fosdbg_rcs                 N/A
fosdbg_snmp                N/A
fosdbg_telemetry           N/A
fosdbg_ufcs                N/A
fosdbg_zone                N/A
fosexec                    Invoke command in remote domain
fpgaupgrade                Upgrade FPGA version on the system
fpiprofile                 FPI Policy management
framelog                   Configure logging of discarded frames
frudump                    Retrieve FRU data from switch to host
fspfshow                   Print FSPF global information
geporterrshow              Print GigE port error summary
geportperfshow             Print GE port throughput summary
grep                       Linux grep command
h                          Print shell history
hadisable                  Disables the High Availability feature in the
hadump                     Displays information about the status of the High
                           Availability feature in the switch.
haenable                   Enables the High Availability feature in the switch
hafailover                 Forces the failover mechanism so that the Standby
                           Control Processor (CP) becomes the Active CP.
hareboot                   hareboot Performs high availability (HA) reboot
haredundancy               Displays HA redundancy status
hashow                     Displays control processor (CP) status
hashutdown                 hashutdown Shuts down high availability (HA)
help                       Print this list
historylastshow            Displays last history record
historymode                Display or set the mode of the history log
historyshow                Displays entire history log
i                          Display process summary
iflshow                    Display edge switch FCR connection information
interfaceshow              Display the FSPF (TM) interface information
iodreset                   Turn off the in-order delivery (IOD) option
iodset                     Manage the in-order delivery (IOD) option
iodshow                    Display the state of the in-order delivery option
ipaddrset                  Set ethernet and FC IP addresses
ipaddrshow                 Print ethernet and FC IP addresses
ipfilter                   Manage/display IP filters
islshow                    Display the current connections and status
killtelnet                 Terminate telnet/serial login sessions
lacp                       Configure LACP parameters
less                       Linux less command
ldapcfg                    Configure LDAP role mapping
lfcfg                      Configure logical fabrics
license                    Copy the license certificates installed on the
                           switch to remote server.
licenseslotcfg             Configure licenses on a slot basis
linkcost                   Set or print the FSPF cost of a link
lldp                       To clear the stats and neighbor devices of ports
logicalgroup               Manage MAPS logical groups
logout                     Logout from remote session
ls                         Linux ls command
lscfg                      Configure logical switches
lsdbshow                   Displays the FSPF link state database
mapsconfig                 Configure MAPS global parameters
mapsdb                     Display MAPS dashboard summary
mapshelp                   Display all MAPS commands
mapspolicy                 Configure MAPS policies
mapsrule                   Configure MAPS threshold monitoring rules
mapssam                    Display system availability monitor information
memshow                    Display memory usage in the system.
mgmtapp                    Management application configurations
more                       Linux more command
motd                       Set chassis login banner
mscapabilityshow           Display Management Server Capability.
msconfigure                Configure Management Server
msplatshow                 Display the Management Server Platform Database
msplatshowdbcb             Display the Management Server Database Control
msplcleardb                Clear the Management Server Platform Database
msplmgmtactivate           Activate the Management Server Platform Database
msplmgmtdeactivate         Deactivate the Management Server Platform Database
mstddisable                Disables the Management Server Topology Discovery
                           Management Service
mstdenable                 Enables the Management Server Topology Discovery
                           Management Service
mstdreadconfig             Display status of Management Server Topology
                           Discovery Service
myid                       Display the current login session details
nbrstateshow               Display FSPF (TM) neighbors' states
nbrstatsclear              Reset the FSPF (TM) interface counters
netstat                    Display network connections and statistics
nodefind                   Display all the devices' PID matching the given
                           world wide name
nodewwn                    Add new device Node WWN in OUI database
nsaliasshow                Display local Name Server information with Aliases
nsallshow                  Print global Name Server information
nscamshow                  Print local Name Server Cache information
nsdevlog                   Manage Name Server device logs
nsshow                     Print local Name Server information
nszonemember               Display the information of all the online devices
                           which are zoned with the given device.
nszoneshow                 Display zone names of specific zoned devices
opensource                 Display information on open source software
                           utilized in FabOS
passwd                     Set usernames and passwords
passwdcfg                  passwdcfg manages the password policies.
pathinfo                   Display routing information between two ports
pdshow                     Show information from Panic Dump file
ping                       Display the link operating mode for a network
ping6                      Display the link operating mode for a network
portaddress                Configure low 16 bits of Fibre Channel Porrt ID
portbeacon                 Enable or disable port beacon
portbuffercalc             Compute port buffer requirements
portbuffershow             Print the buffer allocations for the ports of a
portcamshow                Display filter utilization
portcfg                    Create/Delete a new ip interface/route/arp entry or
                           fcip tunnel on the GigE port
portcfgappheader           Disable removal of application header on a port
portcfgautodisable         Configure auto disable
portcfgbreakout            Disable breakout
portcfgcleanaddress        Disable Clean Address Bit
portcfgcompress            Configure in-flight data compression
portcfgcongestionsignal    Disable Congestion Detection Signaling
portcfgcreditrecovery      Configure credit recovery
portcfgdefault             Restore the port configuration to defaults
portcfgdport               Configure Diagnostic port function
portcfgencrypt             Configure in-flight data encryption
portcfgeport               Enable/Disable a port from becoming E_Port
portcfgeportcredits        Configure credits for E_Ports
portcfgexport              Sets a port to be an EX_Port and sets and displays
                           EX_Port configuration parameters.
portcfgfaultdelay          Configure fault delay for a port
portcfgfec                 Configure Forward Error Correction feature
portcfgflexport            Change port type from ETHERNET to FIBERCHANNEL or
portcfgflogilogout         Configure port FLOGI logout option
portcfgfportbuffers        Configure F_Port buffers
portcfgge                  Configure GigE port features
portcfgislmode             Configure a port to be ISL R_RDY Mode
portcfglongdistance        Configure a Long Distance Port
portcfglosstov             Configure frontend port signal debounce
portcfgnpivport            Configure NPIV functionality on a port.
portcfgnport               Enable/disable N_Port capability for a port
portcfgoctetspeedcombo     Set port speed combination for port octet
portcfgpersistence         Configure port persistence state
portcfgpersistentdisable   Persistently disable a port
portcfgpersistentenable    Enable a persistently disabled port
portcfgqos                 Configure QoS feature
portcfgmsacl               Configure Management Service's Access
portcfgshow                Displays port configuration settings.
portcfgspeed               Configure a port to a particular speed level
portcfgtdz                 Configure Target Driven Zoning for a port
portcfgtrunkport           Configure a port for trunking
portcfgupload              Save backup of existing port configuration
portchannel                To add member ports to port channel
portchannelshow            Display port channels to remote domain(s)
portcmd                    Execute commands (ping etc) on the GigE port
portdecom                  Disable E_Port in trunk group
portdisable                Disable a specified port
portdporttest              Enable Diagnostic port test
portenable                 Enable a specified port
portenccompshow            Print the encryption and compression configurations
                           for the ports of a chip present in the switch.
porterrshow                Print port error summary
portflagsshow              Display the port status bitmaps of all ports in a
portimpair                 Clear impaired state
portledtest                Cycle user port LEDs.
portlogclear               Clear port activity log
portlogconfigshow          Display portlog configuration
portlogdisable             Disable portlog facility
portlogdump                Print port log (no page breaks)
portlogdumpport            Print port log (no page breaks)
portlogenable              Enables port log facility
portlogeventshow           Display information about port log events
portloginshow              Display port login information
portlogreset               Enable portlog facility
portlogresize              Resize the port log
portlogshow                Print port activity log
portlogshowport            Print port activity log
portlogtypedisable         Disable port logging
portlogtypeenable          Enable port logging
portloopbacktest           Functional test of port N->N path.
portname                   Assign or display the name associated with a port
portpeerbeacon             Enable or disable port peer beacon
portperfshow               Print port throughput numbers
portshow                   Show configured ip interfaces/routes/arp entries or
                           fcip tunnels on the GigE Port
portstats64show            Display the 64-bit hardware statistics for a port
portstatsclear             Clear the status of a specified switch port
portstatsshow              Print hardware statistics
porttest                   Functional test on a live fabric. Starts porttest.
porttestshow               Retrieve information from porttest.
porttrunkarea              Configure area trunking
portzoneshow               Displays the enforced zone type of the F/FL-ports
                           of a switch.
powerofflistset            sets slot power off list order
powerofflistshow           Displays slot power-off order.
psshow                     Print power supply status
portimpair                 Clear impaired state
portledtest                Cycle user port LEDs.
portlogclear               Clear port activity log
portlogconfigshow          Display portlog configuration
portlogdisable             Disable portlog facility
portlogdump                Print port log (no page breaks)
portlogdumpport            Print port log (no page breaks)
portlogenable              Enables port log facility
portlogeventshow           Display information about port log events
portloginshow              Display port login information
portlogreset               Enable portlog facility
portlogresize              Resize the port log
portlogshow                Print port activity log
portlogshowport            Print port activity log
portlogtypedisable         Disable port logging
portlogtypeenable          Enable port logging
portloopbacktest           Functional test of port N->N path.
portname                   Assign or display the name associated with a port
portpeerbeacon             Enable or disable port peer beacon
portperfshow               Print port throughput numbers
portshow                   Show configured ip interfaces/routes/arp entries or
                           fcip tunnels on the GigE Port
portstats64show            Display the 64-bit hardware statistics for a port
portstatsclear             Clear the status of a specified switch port
portstatsshow              Print hardware statistics
porttest                   Functional test on a live fabric. Starts porttest.
porttestshow               Retrieve information from porttest.
porttrunkarea              Configure area trunking
portzoneshow               Displays the enforced zone type of the F/FL-ports
                           of a switch.
powerofflistset            sets slot power off list order
powerofflistshow           Displays slot power-off order.
psshow                     Print power supply status
psutil                     Updates firmware of microcontrollers in power
rasadmin                   Sets the system keep alive period
rasman                     Display RAS message description
reboot                     Reboot this processor
relayconfig                Configure email server address
rm                         Linux rm command
roleconfig                 Manage user-defined RBAC roles
ron                        Displays the usage of RON commands
routehelp                  Print routing help info
sboot                      Secure boot information help
scp                        Linux scp command
sddquarantine              Manage MAPS quarantine state
secactivesize              Displays size of the active (security) database
secauthsecret              Creates/Manages DHCHAP secret key details
seccertmgmt                Creates/Manages/Displays third party PKI
seccryptocfg               Configures allowed ciphers
secdefinesize              Displays size of the defined (security) database
secpolicyabort             Aborts changes to defined policy
secpolicyactivate          Activates all policy sets
secpolicyadd               Adds members to an existing policy
secpolicycreate            Creates a new policy
secpolicydelete            Deletes an existing policy
secpolicydump              Displays all members of existing policies
secpolicyfcsmove           Moves a member in the FCS policy
secpolicyremove            Removes members from an existing policy
secpolicysave              Saves defined policy set and sends to all switches
secpolicyshow              Shows members of one or more policies
secstatsreset              Resets security statistics
secstatsshow               Displays security statistics
sensorshow                 Display sensor readings
serviceshell               Activate service shell
setcontext                 Select logical switch context
setverbose                 Set verbosity level of the specified module
sfpprogram                 Permit Brocade Branded JAAx SFPs to be adjusted in
                           the field to address specific situation
sfpshow                    Print Serial ID SFP information
sfpupgrade                 Upgrade SFP with latest firmware
shellflowcontroldisable    Disable xon-xoff flow control on console serial
shellflowcontrolenable     Enable xon-xoff flow control on console serial port
sleep                      Linux sleep command
slotcfg                    Set all ports in a slot to default port
slotcfgpersistence         Set a slot to persistence enable/disable state
slotpoweroff               Removes power from a slot.
slotpoweron                Restores power to a slot.
slotshow                   Displays the status of all slots in the system.
snmpconfig                 Configure SNMP
snmptraps                  Configure SNMP traps
spinfab                    Functional test of switch to switch ISL cabling and
                           trunk group operation.
sshutil                    Configure SSH authentication options
statsclear                 Clear port and diagnostic statistics.
stopporttest               Terminate the running porttest.
supportffdc                Modifies or displays first-failure data capture
                           (FFDC) configuration.
supportftp                 set support Ftp parameters
supportinfoclear           Clear selected counters and logs in preparation for
                           supportsave operation
supportlink                Supportlink configurations
supportsave                retrieve support data from switch to host
supportshow                Prints switch information for debugging purposes.
supportshowcfgdisable      Disables a group of commands under supportshow
setcontext                 Select logical switch context
setverbose                 Set verbosity level of the specified module
sfpprogram                 Permit Brocade Branded JAAx SFPs to be adjusted in
                           the field to address specific situation
sfpshow                    Print Serial ID SFP information
sfpupgrade                 Upgrade SFP with latest firmware
shellflowcontroldisable    Disable xon-xoff flow control on console serial
shellflowcontrolenable     Enable xon-xoff flow control on console serial port
sleep                      Linux sleep command
slotcfg                    Set all ports in a slot to default port
slotcfgpersistence         Set a slot to persistence enable/disable state
slotpoweroff               Removes power from a slot.
slotpoweron                Restores power to a slot.
slotshow                   Displays the status of all slots in the system.
snmpconfig                 Configure SNMP
snmptraps                  Configure SNMP traps
spinfab                    Functional test of switch to switch ISL cabling and
                           trunk group operation.
sshutil                    Configure SSH authentication options
statsclear                 Clear port and diagnostic statistics.
stopporttest               Terminate the running porttest.
supportffdc                Modifies or displays first-failure data capture
                           (FFDC) configuration.
supportftp                 set support Ftp parameters
supportinfoclear           Clear selected counters and logs in preparation for
                           supportsave operation
supportlink                Supportlink configurations
supportsave                retrieve support data from switch to host
supportshow                Prints switch information for debugging purposes.
supportshowcfgdisable      Disables a group of commands under supportshow
supportshowcfgenable       Enables a group of commands under supportshow
supportshowcfgshow         Display the groups of commands enabled for
                           supportshow command.
switchbeacon               Set switch beacon on or off
switchcfgpersistentdisable Persistently disable a switch
switchcfgpersistentenable  Enable a persistently disabled switch
switchcfgspeed             Configures all ports of the switch to a particular
                           speed level
switchcfgtrunk             Configure all ports on the switch for trunking
switchdisable              Disable this switch
switchenable               Enable this switch
switchname                 Print/set this switch's name
switchshow                 Print switch and port status
switchtype                 Display the product name
switchviolation            Display policy violations recorded in RAS log
syshealth                  Run system health related tests
syslogadmin                Configure the syslog facility
sysshutdown                Provides a graceful shutdown to protect the switch
                           file systems.
tcptimestamp               Enable/Disable tcptimestamp in tcp frame.
tempshow                   Print temperature readings
timeout                    Set/show the IDLE timeout value for a login session
top                        Linux top command
topologyshow               Display the unicast fabric topology
touch                      Linux touch command
tracedump                  generate/remove trace dump or display trace dump
trafopt                    Abort the already scheduled profile
trunkdebug                 Debug a trunk link failure
trunkshow                  Display trunking information
tsclockserver              Displays or sets the NTP server address
tstimezone                 Displays or sets the time zone
turboramtest               Turbo SRAM test for bloom ASICs.
uptime                     Print how long switch has been up
urouteshow                 Display unicast routing information
usbstorage                 Manage USB storage device (available on Brocade
                           Data Center Director only).
userconfig                 Display or configure user accounts
version                    Print firmware version
wwn                        Display or set the world wide name
wwnaddress                 Configure persistent PID assignments
wwnrecover                 Recover one or both WWN cards
zone                       Copies/Removes/Validates zone objects
zoneadd                    Add a member to a zone
zonecreate                 Create a zone
zonedelete                 Delete a zone
zonefabriclock             Configures and shows Zone Fabric Locking settings
zonehelp                   Print zoning help info
zoneobjectcopy             Copies a zone object
zoneobjectexpunge          Expunges a zone object
zoneobjectrename           Rename a zoning Object
zoneobjectreplace          Replace a zoning Object
zoneremove                 Remove a member from a zone
zoneshow                   Print zone information

Phương Nguyễn

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